Find your ideal UGC Creator in just 30 seconds

A database of verified UGC creators that you can filter and contact directly.

NO Commissions

More than 600 hand-picked and verified creators

Specific filters (hair, age, pet, children, etc.)

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Why UGC Database?

Discover the largest offering of UGC creators!

Avoid paying collaboration fees or excessive agency prices by using our database of over 400 hand-picked content creators.

Quickly and easily find UGC creators that fit your brand and your budget


Brands that trust us


Find the perfect creator

You are looking for a creator between 35-45 years old, who speaks English, who lives in Barcelona and who has a dog

Instead of spending endless hours searching across multiple platforms, UGCDatabase puts this ideal candidate at your fingertips

Filter by these exact characteristics, explore their social profiles on TikTok and Instagram, review their portfolio on Canva, and when you're convinced they're the perfect fit, email them directly.



Save time and money

We've spent hours searching for UGC creator profiles so you don't have to. Use our database and grow your brand with authentic content!

Guaranteed Quality

The information of each creator is collected and verified by our team.

No commissions

We don't charge commissions from creators or brands.

Simple and intuitive filters

11 different filters such as age, interests, price, country, language and more!

Updated and accurate database

We constantly update our database to ensure that it contains valid and correct information.


How does it work?


Receive your access.

Once you have chosen your plan we will email you your access to our database with +500 content creators.

how to use ugcdatabase step 1
how to use ugcdatabase step 2


Filter and search for creators.

With instant UGC creator profiles. Filter the database based on interests, age, gender, prices and special tags.


Contact directly.

Avoid collaboration fees. In UGCdatabase you have access to the email and social media accounts of each creator to contact them directly.

how to use ugcdatabase step 3


We have a plan that is perfect for you

Save tons of ours of work

Monthly subscription


/ month

Search, filter and collaborate with unlimited creators!

Start monthly subscription

Secure payment with Stripe

Best option

Quarterly Subscription


/ 3 Months

Save 1 month with a quarterly subscription!

Start quarterly subscription

Pago seguro con Stripe

Do you need personalized assistance?

Contact us to learn about our personalized management services!


What do our clients say?


Marta Sánchez - Brand Manager

This platform has revolutionized our search for creators! I save a lot of time selecting creators for our campaigns. The €49 monthly subscription is a bargain for unlimited access to contacts.


Juan Torres - Digital Marketing Manager

UGCDatabase is our creative team's favorite tool. It makes it easy for us to discover creators tailored to our specific needs without additional fees. The monthly subscription is a truly worthwhile investment.


David Martínez - Social Media Manager

I am impressed with the quality and variety of content creators in this database. It has made my search much easier and more effective. Thank you!


Elena Gómez - Paid Media Manager has allowed us to discover specific creators efficiently, saving us time and optimizing the budget for our clients.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is UGCDatabase?

How can UGCDatabase help you?

How much does it cost?

What is the database maintenance service?

How do I cancel my subscription to UGCDatabase?

How do I contact the creators?

Do you want to try our UGC database?

One month for free for a limited time!

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Can be used to purchase plan subscription